Is the Work Ever Totally Complete?
With Sans Titre the artists’ book I created for the UMD Art & Design Faculty Biennial 2018 Exhibition—with the Fine. Re/Fine. De/Fine. theme my focus was on the portion of “Re/Fine” exploration of creative process. Part of my initial introduction to creativity in secondary education was through a drafting course; there was a heavy focus on analysis of three-dimensional objects through perspective and elevation drawings in the standard architectural drawing formats.
Referencing this early visual technique with more recent letterform explorations and analysis allowed me to create small-format shop drawings to ‘analyze letters’ into dimensional physicality, and the often internal desperate need to want to add color to these pencil drawings. Play then expanded out ‘beyond the page’ to formulate continuity of both linear letterform elements (laser-etched in the plexiglass), and incorporate string train-of-thought progressions as if flying an internal mental kite. The progression of letterforms spelling ‘Draught’ and the book title, which both acknowledging the Euro-heritage within my personal background and facilitating the constant that even when a project is completed, there is always reflection on what else could have been pushed.
Edition of 1. For now….